First, Learn the Fundamentals

If you are sick, overweight, or just confused by all of the over-hyped, contradictory, and too good to be true health advice and fad diets out there, I feel your pain. Three years ago I was in the same situation. In my own struggle with chronic illness however, I learned that focusing on the basics and laying a good foundation should always be priority number one. To get the average person started on the path to better health, I wrote these three short articles on the Fundamentals of Healing. Though simple, the principles I share in these articles are rooted in both cutting-edge scientific research, and the practical experience of natural healers throughout history. Please avail yourself of this information, and be blessed!
-Travis M. Snow, Founder of Revitalize Healing
Level 1 Healing
Level 2 Healing
Level 3 Healing
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“Cancer grows in oxygen deprived acidic tissue.” (Dr. Otto Warburg 1931)
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