My Story of Healing

Hi friends, and welcome to Revitalize Healing. My name is Travis.

In 2013 I was 27 years old, in seminary, working on my Master’s degree, and preparing to work full-time as a Christian pastor and spiritual leader.

It was during this time however that I started to feel that my life was out of balance and something was wrong in my body. Shortly thereafter, my health began to spiral out of control in a way I would never even wish on my worst enemy.

Within the next two years, I began suffering from severe anxiety attacks, panic attacks, a hypo-thyroid condition, adrenal burnout, chronic fatigue, fatty liver disease, arthritis, a compromised immune system, psoriasis, strange skin rashes and boils on my face, acne, nutritional deficiencies, extreme sinus and nasal congestion, and worst of all, a mysterious and difficult to diagnose “auto-immune” condition in my sinuses that caused me to experience a painful burning sensation and pressure in my head and throat, almost all day, every day, for nearly four years. Think about having a constant nagging headache non-stop for four years, but instead of an achiness and pounding, a hot, burning, uncomfortable foggy feeling that could wax and wane in levels of intensity, and you’ll get an idea of what I went through.

Only people who have walked through the pain of severe and debilitating chronic illness will be able to understand the darkness, hopelessness, and despair I experienced during this season of my life. In my early 20’s I was in good shape and optimistic about life. By my late 20’s I had gained 45 pounds of fat, was heading towards obesity, felt like killing myself, and couldn’t even walk my parents dog around the block without then needing to lay in bed for the rest of the day.

For roughly four years I more or less dreaded waking up and having to function on a daily basis. Even the smallest tasks and errands seemed like the equivalent of climbing a mountain. My illness almost cost me my career, my marriage, and my financial security. I often prayed and pleaded earnestly for God to end my life. I wanted to live, but many days the pain and discomfort associated with my laundry list of health issues was just too severe, and compounded by the fact that I could not afford health insurance, could not find any real answers or solutions, and could not take a substantial amount of time off work to rest.

During this time, I went to every doctor I thought might be able to help me, from General Practitioners, to an Endocrinologist, to Chiropractors, to Holistic Health professionals. I took bags and bags full of medications, pharmaceuticals, and supplements, and nothing seemed to help.

Throughout this season, I continued to cling to my faith in God, and the belief that He still had a plan for my life. The love of God was the only thing that kept me alive. When I finally figured out that the doctors I was seeing were just as confused about my health as I was, I began intensively researching every book, Netflix documentary, YouTube video, and random internet blog I could find discussing the topic of natural health and healing. I read and read, sifted through scientific journal articles in the medical literature, and most importantly, began experimenting on my own body. Over time, I began to realize that most of what people consider “diseases” in the twenty-first century are simply the result of poor nutrition, and the build-up of toxicity in the body.

As a result of my seemingly endless list of health issues, in December of 2015 I began following a carefully planned healing diet, taking only a select number of strategic herbs and supplements, and implementing other healing protocols such as fasting, all of which were intended to nourish and detoxify my body. Within two years of following this program, I had reversed almost all of my health conditions by 70-100%. I also lost every bit of the 45 pounds of excess weight I had gained during the time my health was at its worst. Today, my body only continues to heal and get stronger as I continue with my healing program.

Healing is not always a linear process, so I won’t hide the fact that I am still a work in progress. I still have some bad days, and there are stil things I am working on in my body. I do not have all the answers, and I am not a super human. However, I have now gained the confidence from my knowledge and experiece to know where the true path of healing and weight loss is, and where the dead ends are, and that has made all the difference. 

Being so sick for so long taught me to cherish the small moments of life more than ever. Never again will I take life, health, or my body for granted.

I designed this website, as well as the Revitalize Healing YouTube channel, to help hurting people, and people who may just be generally confused in the complex world of diet, health, weight loss, and healing. I hope the information you find here will benefit you on your healing journey.

May your future, be better than your past, 